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Bones of Thorax

The thorax, or chest, consists of key bones that support and protect vital organs. It includes the sternum at the front and 12 pairs of ribs forming the rib cage. These bones safeguard the heart and lungs while in breathing by allowing chest expansion and contraction. Overall, they are essential for protection and function.


The sternum, or breastbone, is a flat bone in the chest's center. It connects to the ribs, protecting vital organs like the heart and lungs. It consists of three parts: manubrium, body, and xhoid process. Understanding the sternum is essential in anatomy and medicine.



The ribcage is a bony structure that protects the thoracic cavity, vital organs like the heart and lungs. Composed of pairs of ribs, it supports the upper body and allows flexibility during breathing, expanding and contracting as we inhale and exhale. 

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